Interested in joining KUGR? There are three ways you can get involved:
DJing, sports broadcasting and joining a station department.
Being a DJ / hosting your own show:
We’ll give you two hours on-air to play whatever kinds of music you want or to just talk about anything you want to.
For more information, contact Antonia Price at humanresources@kugr.org.
Sports Broadcasting:
Do play-by-play or color commentary for Cougar football, volleyball, basketball, soccer and baseball home games. Develop your professional portfolio through valuable real-world experience.
For more information, contact Davis Hagen at sports@kugr.org.
Station Department:
Join one of our marketing, programming, production or human resources teams to help keep the station running behind the scenes.
For more information, contact the department directors below:
Caden Honeysett (Marketing) at promotions@kugr.org
Collin Rovey (Programming) at programdirector@kugr.org
Kyle Binder (Productions) at production@kugr.org
Antonia Price (Human Resources) at humanresources@kugr.org
Have general questions? E-mail us at humanresources@kugr.org